Monday, December 10, 2012

Fox25 (Boston) Shows ASSIST-U.S. Right Whales Video

In April 2011, ASSIST-U.S. captured some video footage on Cape Cod of a pod of Right Whales feeding and playing, which we subsequently sent to the New England Aquarium, thinking they might be interested in seeing it. 

One of their Right Whale researchers analyzed the video and blogged about what they had learned about the whales, and someone there tweeted about the video to Fox25 in Boston. (That led eventually to the Aquarium hiring our company to support their marine mammal observation project.)

Today (Dec. 10, 2012), Fox25 re-used that video footage as part of its coverage of a campaign being led in New Bedford MA to preserve the Right Whales: "Whale preservation urged at New Bedford meeting."

We are delighted that this video continues to be useful to the marine mammal research community. Read the story here.